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Nepal: Please Join my action to raise money for people
sleeping rough in Nepal following the devastation of the Earthquake. Please donate just 10-30 GBP/
15$ to 45 $ Why not take 2 min to do it now?
Learning Alias sponsors the Education of children in Nepal. But right
now we need to raise money quickly to send to her village Khiji Chandeshwori, which is in the foot
hills of Mount Everest. 7 homes in this small village 2 days walk from the nearest road, have need
completely destroyed and the families are sleeping under plastic in the rain and cold. However much
is collected up to 1000 GBP ,LearningAlias will double. Thank You for your kindness, graham
Class “A” Surfacing the BMW Z4 Hood Top
A perfect Class A Curvature Comb, Depicting G3 Curvature Cont.
You must keep going with your Move_Cv until you have perfect Combs. Anything less than perfect, is no good for Class A modelling purposes
BMW couldn’t have made this hood more complicated if they tried,
but nevertheless Alias Class A modellers, must be able to model ANY shape with incredible accuracyI have started by positioning 2 construction points in 3 views. I probably spent 15 min placing these 2 points, as the entire work flow is based on starting accurate ly.You may have noticed that there is a blue box around my model. This is in fact a cube scaled to fit the ground plane, top of roof and edge of wing mirrors. This ensures that all canvas planes are aligned exactly.Notice how smooth the crv is. You must spend as long as it takes getting your curves perfect, as your model is based on your crvs.
The other thing that students don’t seem to learn at uni. is efficient Patch_layout.
It takes years to know all the tricks.Don’t try to do too much with a Square surf.Many learners make massive sq surfs. and they have no control of the topology, so end up with horrid bulging edges etc.
We are looking down on 16 surfs here the minimum that would accurately follow the design lines.
For Class A work I tend to use mostly sq. surfs as they are the most sophisticated and controllable
Patch Layout
Everybody learning wants to find out how to work out patch layouts.If you think out where you are going to have your patches, then modelling suddenly becomes a little simpler
The lighting shows the complexity of the task
Class A Requires that there are no gaps i.e. the model is completely closed and whilst Go,G1, are still needed within the model. Please note I use 6 parent surfaces with 2 smaller surfaces at the front of the hood + the blends, but it is possible to model this hood with 3 parent srfs.
Surface curvature continuity is required to be min G2 and mostly G3Class A models are made to tight tolerances, this model is Catia V5
The finished item
and I have highlighted the 2 construction points that define the location of the surface set on the model. Get them wrong and the model is heading for the digital dust (trash) bin.
To Learn Alias Automotive to Industry entry level has been made easier.
For student’s who have the objective of finding a CAD job in the near future, I still teach One to One students and all of these students get Automotive Modeling or Design/Modeling jobs, so it’s a great investment to make. The hourly rate is very high and there are vacancies in UK. France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, USA, Brazil etc. I can only take a maximum of 5 students at any one time. I teach all levels right up to Post Graduates. <I have never had a Private student fail to get an Alias Automotive job (Companies include Ferrari, GM, Lotus, Opel, Audi Seat etc. ). If you wish to apply for a place, please email me with all your details.
Why not visit my website and take a look for your self?
Over 100 videos on many, many aspects of Learning Pro. Alias
I show you how to build a Complete Audi A5 Sportback (ext.) . Over 50 Videos on that alone !
Info. on Courses:
“Course #1”.
6 Months website access to all website based video tutorials, 167 GBP
“Course #2”.
167 GBP per month. You get your .wire reviewed by me every 15 days and you will receive : feedback, instruction, tips and advice from me personally. Access to all videos including my ” Private Student Training Videos”. You will build at least 3 complete automotive exteriors. The course also includes an intensive Reverse Engineering section, which required by most employers.
“Course #3”.
Fast Track Full Pro. “One to One” Course with weekly reviews and coaching 200 GBP per month. One to One Private tuition. You will receive specific geometry and meshes and modeling from me personally where required, to help you to complete your exteriors quickly to an Industry entry level standard. This means a bigger investment, but once in an Alias modeling job you will get back what you invested many times over and be able to work anywhere in the world
For more info,
Just register on my website and I’ll send you all the details