Alias Automotive (LearningAlias): Alias Surface Evaluation

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Hi, Have you just completed a disappointing Alias course at Uni? Can’t get an entry level job because you don’t know enough about Alias Class A Modelling and Reverse Engineering. This is normal because universities can’t afford to employ top Alias Automotive modellers. Please don’t worry, you’ve found the right website. If you need PROFESSIONAL online Alias Automotive and Reverse Engineering video training + regular help and reviews to Industry Entry level ( A Class Principles), please register on my website for free and I will send you the course details: I have a 100% success rate at finding an Alias position with students who complete the course.

>>Visit the LearningAlias Website:

 There are already 186 Alias posts here, authored by me CEO LearningAlias Online Academy Graham Bullock B.Ed. (CNAA) Des. Tech. and I will be adding many more !!!!!

Please send in your .wire files and Sketches and I will publish the best ones across all my platforms and help you to get your name known:

I am showing a defect here using the Crvtr. Eval. Diagnostic Shader. This tool takes a long time to really master, but it is covered in the LearningAlias course


First you MUST analyse all your srfs. especially the transitions, if you can see wobbly lines
using your Sophotes Eval. shader, then your highlights will magnify the error.


Here I am using an additional tool to evaluate my transition srfs. You will learn how to do this on the LearninAlias course.
Here you can see that my nearside srfs are perfect, but there is still a glitch to iron-out at the back (just in view).


Job done! Now we are ready to see how to render the final srf-set in K-shot in the next post.


Don’t you just love Alias?

Here’s the fender that we’ll learn to render:


Kind regards
Graham Bullock B.Ed (CNAA)

To Learn Alias Automotive to Industry Entry level has been made easier.

For student’s who have the objective of finding a CAD job in the near future, I still teach One to One students and all of these students get Automotive Modelling or Design/Modelling jobs, so it’s a great investment to make. The hourly rate is very high and there are vacancies in UK. France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, USA, Brazil etc. I can only take a maximum of 5-7 students at any one time. I teach all levels right up to Post Graduates and Jnr. Industrial modellers. I have never had a Private student fail to get an Alias Automotive job (Companies include Ferrari, GM, Lotus, Opel, Audi Seat etc. ). If you wish to apply for a place, please email me with all your details.
Why not visit my website and take a look for your self?
Over 300 videos on many, many aspects of Learning Pro. Alias
I show you how to build a Complete Audi A5 Sportback (ext.) . Over 50 Videos on that alone !

Info. on Courses:

“Course #1”.

6 Months website access to all website based video tutorials, 167 GBP

“Course #2”.

167 GBP per month. Students: 1o5 GBP per month.You get your .wire reviewed by me every 15 days and you will receive : feedback, instruction, tips and advice from me personally. You will never be stuck again!  Access to all videos including my ” Private Student Training Videos”. You will build at least 3 complete automotive exteriors. The course also includes an intensive Reverse Engineering section, which required by most employers.

“#3 Full Pro. “Elite” Course”.

Fast Track Full Pro. “One to One” Course with weekly reviews and coaching 200 GBP per month.100 GBP per month and the balance when you have an Alias job. No job, No Pay! One to One Private tuition. You will receive specific geometry and meshes and modelling from me personally where required, to help you to complete your exteriors quickly to an Industry entry level standard. This means a bigger investment, but once in an Alias modelling job you will get back what you invested many times over and be able to work anywhere in the world

NB: Typically students pay 50% of the cost of the “Elite” course by monthly instalments settling the balance over time, once they have an Alias Automotive contract.

For more info,

Just register on my website and I’ll send you all the details


If you are in the USA, just register and login, then go to Profile and you can pay your subscription with your US credit card. Absolutely no extra charges for currency conversion.

Discounts for students in emerging Economies. Please ask !


Graham Bullock B.Ed.(CNAA)Des.Tech.

Go to Learning Alias

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Wheel Arch Anti Tangent

Is Alias Portable to ICEM Surf / NX or Catia?

Ken Versprille Explained: The man who invented NURBS Modeling. part-1

Ken Versprille: Alias Question and Answers

Learning Alias, My Personal Journey, Alias之旅:

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How to Build a C-Pillar – Alias

Modelling Cross-Sections Which Are Not On the Blueprints/Sketches

Why is Alias the Best Automotive Surfacing Package?

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 Automotive Modeleing – Elliptical Steering Wheel

Alias Automotive Interior Jobs

Y=0 Plane. Professional Theoretical Model Layout

Autocad to Alias Automotive – Kilimanjaro to Everest – My Personal Journey

On the Learning Alias Pro. course I teach how to create REAL complex surfaces

Advanced Modeling and Surfacing Techniques

Advanced Fender G3 Curvature Continuity

Advanced Modeling and Surfacing Techniques

Advanced Fender G3 Curvature Continuity

NURBS and CAD: 30 Years Together

Shattering some Misconceptions (G4 curvature Continuity)

Curves-on-Surface and a hint of mysticism

Geometric and Parametric Continuity _Alias Courses

Alias Tutorial Surface Evaluation

Autodesk Alias Tutorial – Modelling a Tyre

The locator conundrum of curvature continuity 

 Alias Tutorial – Dynamic Section Control – Visual Clipping

 Modeling a Car Body “Class A Blends in Alias” 

 Alias Tutorial – “How to Model the A Pillar Alias” – Highlighting

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How to Build a Door Mirror CAD

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Hi, Have you just completed a disappointing Alias course at Uni? Can’t get an entry level job because you don’t know enough about Alias Class A Modelling and Reverse Engineering. This is normal because universities can’t afford to employ top Alias Automotive modellers. Please don’t worry, you’ve found the right website. If you need PROFESSIONAL online Alias Automotive and Reverse Engineering video training + regular help and reviews to Industry Entry level ( A Class Principles), please register on my website for free and I will send you the course details: I have a 100% success rate at finding an Alias position with students who complete the course.

>>Visit the LearningAlias Website:

 There are already 186 Alias posts here, authored by me CEO LearningAlias Online Academy Graham Bullock B.Ed. (CNAA) Des. Tech. and I will be adding many more !!!!!

Please send in your .wire files and Sketches and I will publish the best ones across all my platforms and help you to get your name known:

Here’s a student question that I have answered and would like to share with all you aspiring Alias Automotive guys


Q) “Hi Graham
I want to build a door mirror for the first time. Do you have a tutorial please and what tips would you give to a Mirror Rookie?
I thank you kindly for your time

I would give a door mirror task to a guy with several years experience,

as mirrors have to be modeled on discrete axes and not in the world space default  planes. They are often complex in form with a lot of tricky details and generally there is a requirement towards the end of the project for full G3. Taking this into account it is best to start on a mirror which has been designed to be a little less challenging than the A5 mirror.

Modeling icon Barry Kimball says that at times he spends 30% of his hours on a complete exterior just building the door mirror.


This is not something that you can rush into and is not something that you can expect to get good highlights on the first hit.

Learning to build a mirror is a journey and you should be prepared to have 2 or three goes at your first one (G2 only) and then move on to the next level of design complexity. So building a mirror, is a mini Alias journey, in it’s self. It is one of the areas where you will really start to learn about achieving G3 by *accelerating the edges of Parents and also learn where you need to trim or extend to (parent boundaries/chordal width of fillets) in order to be poises to create G3 highlight flows. (*My students learn to reposition the CV hulls which determine G3 crvtr. condition. They learn the first principals of direct modeling the CV hulls and what follows takes several years of experience.)


So it’s not easy and you shouldn’t expect smooth flowing HL’s, until you have spent a few weeks in the amazingly consuming world of mirrors and unless you have several years experience, you won’t be able to meet G3 criteria for all the transitions. It is also important to remember that in a studio you would be given mesh-data to work from taken from a scan of the clay or hard model.

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Wheel Arch Anti Tangent

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Hi, Have you just completed a disappointing Alias course at Uni? Can’t get an entry level job because you don’t know enough about Alias Class A Modelling and Reverse Engineering. This is normal because universities can’t afford to employ top Alias Automotive modellers. Please don’t worry, you’ve found the right website. If you need PROFESSIONAL online Alias Automotive and Reverse Engineering video training + regular help and reviews to Industry Entry level ( A Class Principles), please register on my website for free and I will send you the course details: I have a 100% success rate at finding an Alias position with students who complete the course.

>>Visit the LearningAlias Website:

 There are already 186 Alias posts here, authored by me CEO LearningAlias Online Academy Graham Bullock B.Ed. (CNAA) Des. Tech. and I will be adding many more !!!!!

Please send in your .wire files and Sketches and I will publish the best ones across all my platforms and help you to get your name known:

Hi, I’m Kevin de Smet, Elite student group at LearningAlias

I think most of us can imagine the surface-set required to model a wheel arch.

What I would like to put the attention on in this post is the large parent body side surface.

This surface is somewhat special,

in that the trim edge and top natural edge now flow outwards from the top left vertex with an anti tangent relationship (i.e. the opposite of tangent)

First, let’s take a look at the underlying control vertices.

Good. Now, let’s switch to another example

where the modeling was done in a slightly different way. Notice how the anti tangent situation has been avoided altogether by the use of an additional little patch, but that will have left you with a five sided gap that you now somehow would need to fill.

So… some genius, decided to put a power fill function to work, most likely done in a solid modeling package.

Now, surprisingly enough, the highlights on this ridiculous surface look perfect! really, it does!

This is a shot of good fortune, because very often it only manages to generate a surface with forced G2 at the boundaries and a very tumultuous interior to the surface. I can only imagine the solid modeling operator also used additional constraint curves to control the interior of the patch better.

Now, let’s get back to our previous example, with our anti tangent situation. Albeit just in the trim space of a nice clean 4 sided UV structure. By now we have added the fillets along the theoretical style edge.

By this stage in the model, this is now what’s left of that parent surface.

Now, let’s check the tangential continuity relationship

by selecting the top left most point generated by the top natural edge and the trim edge of the wheel arch, using the Curve Continuity function.

As we can see, it now has about 10 degree difference.

It’s still an acute intersection, but it’s perfectly geometrically and topologically legit.

Now let’s look at this model’s top wheel arch patch,

it’s a trimmed out five sided surface just the same as the previous model, but a quick glance at the control vertices and you’ll understand that we didn’t need any power fill to get to where we wanted to be. And this patch we still have under control, it’s a nice added bonus compared to power fills!

I hope this has been informative! Enjoy your Alias

Kevin De Smet

To Learn Alias Automotive to Industry Entry level has been made easier.

For student’s who have the objective of finding a CAD job in the near future, I still teach One to One students and all of these students get Automotive Modeling or Design/Modeling jobs, so it’s a great investment to make. The hourly rate is very high and there are vacancies in UK. France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, USA, Brazil etc. I can only take a maximum of 5-7 students at any one time. I teach all levels right up to Post Graduates. I have never had a Private student fail to get an Alias Automotive job (Companies include Ferrari, GM, Lotus, Opel, Audi Seat etc. ). If you wish to apply for a place, please email me with all your details.
Why not visit my website and take a look for your self?
Over 100 videos on many, many aspects of Learning Pro. Alias
I show you how to build a Complete Audi A5 Sportback (ext.) . Over 50 Videos on that alone !

Info. on Courses:

“Course #1”.

6 Months website access to all website based video tutorials, 167 GBP

“Course #2”.

167 GBP per month. You get your .wire reviewed by me every 15 days and you will receive : feedback, instruction, tips and advice from me personally. Access to all videos including my ” Private Student Training Videos”. You will build at least 3 complete automotive exteriors. The course also includes an intensive Reverse Engineering section, which required by most employers.

“#3 Full Pro. “Elite” Course”.

Fast Track Full Pro. “One to One” Course with weekly reviews and coaching 200 GBP per month. One to One Private tuition. You will receive specific geometry and meshes and modeling from me personally where required, to help you to complete your exteriors quickly to an Industry entry level standard. This means a bigger investment, but once in an Alias modeling job you will get back what you invested many times over and be able to work anywhere in the world

NB: Typically students pay 50% of the cost of the “Elite” course by monthly instalments settling the balance over time,  once they have an Alias Automotive contract.

For more info,

Just register on my website and I’ll send you all the details


If you are in the USA, just register and login, then go to Profile and you can pay your subscription with your US credit card. Absolutely no extra charges for currency conversion.

Discounts for students in emerging Nations. Please ask !


Graham Bullock B.Ed.(CNAA)Des.Tech.

More Red Hot Posts:

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How Do I Get a Job in Alias Automotive

Audi RS4 Wheel and Tire Modeling

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Fitting Blends to Polygonal Mesh-Data. Mesh-Nurbs. Reverse Engineering. Alias.

A Method of Analyzing Gap and Flush Conditions, Visually

Alias Automotive Professional Training

Learning Modeling Methodology-Alias Automotive

Wheel Arch Anti Tangent

Is Alias Portable to ICEM Surf / NX or Catia?

Ken Versprille Explained: The man who invented NURBS Modeling. part-1

Ken Versprille: Alias Question and Answers

Learning Alias, My Personal Journey, Alias之旅:

Learning Modeling Methodology-Alias Automotive

How to Build a C-Pillar – Alias

Modelling Cross-Sections Which Are Not On the Blueprints/Sketches

Why is Alias the Best Automotive Surfacing Package?

How to draw precisely in Alias

Constant Radius Curves. A Mainstay in Good Design

Automotive Physical / Digital Sculpting Process- GM

Sketching Cars

Alias Interior Modeling – Gear Knob

My Dream Job – Alias Modeler

 Automotive Modeleing – Elliptical Steering Wheel

Alias Automotive Interior Jobs

Y=0 Plane. Professional Theoretical Model Layout

Autocad to Alias Automotive – Kilimanjaro to Everest – My Personal Journey

On the Learning Alias Pro. course I teach how to create REAL complex surfaces

Advanced Modeling and Surfacing Techniques

Advanced Fender G3 Curvature Continuity

Advanced Modeling and Surfacing Techniques

Advanced Fender G3 Curvature Continuity

NURBS and CAD: 30 Years Together

Shattering some Misconceptions (G4 curvature Continuity)

Curves-on-Surface and a hint of mysticism

Geometric and Parametric Continuity _Alias Courses

Alias Tutorial Surface Evaluation

Autodesk Alias Tutorial – Modelling a Tyre

The locator conundrum of curvature continuity 

 Alias Tutorial – Dynamic Section Control – Visual Clipping

 Modeling a Car Body “Class A Blends in Alias” 

 Alias Tutorial – “How to Model the A Pillar Alias” – Highlighting

Visit My YouTube Channel

There are a total of 163 Learning Alias posts to enjoy on this site

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Reverse Engineering Alias Automotive

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Hi, Have you just completed a disappointing Alias course at Uni? Can’t get an entry level job because you don’t know enough about Alias Class A Modelling and Reverse Engineering. This is normal because universities can’t afford to employ top Alias Automotive modellers. Please don’t worry, you’ve found the right website. If you need PROFESSIONAL online Alias Automotive and Reverse Engineering video training + regular help and reviews to Industry Entry level ( A Class Principles), please register on my website for free and I will send you the course details: I have a 100% success rate at finding an Alias position with students who complete the course.

The role of the Automotive Modeler includes Technically Surfacing Polygonal Meshes

using Bezier Surfaces to a tolerance of < 1.00 mm, as this is something you will be questioned about at interview, it has become a vital skill-set to have for candidates wishing to get into the Automotive Industry.

Practical Surfacing Tests at Interview

It is now common place for students attending Alias Entry Level Interviews to be given a Mesh and asked to surface it within say 1 working day. this is not a simple task, as it tests so many aspects of your Alias modeling ability. To be able to surface even a simplified exterior mesh in 5-8 hours, is only possible if you have completed an extensive course on this area of modeling and also put in IMHO. around 100 hours of practice with a good teacher (200 hours would be better)

Such is the demand by employers for candidates to be proficient at Revese Engineering, that all my students now do a course on this prior to attending any interviews.
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