Class “A” Surfacing – Fit Curves – Alias

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graham bullock B.Ed. Des & Tech.

Class “A” Surfacing in Alias – Fitting Curves to Scan and X-Sec Data

Pictured below is an Audi A5 Sportback built by one of my students who is now a Digital Sculptor for GM.

Full HD video, just click the picture below

I am now putting some of my tutorials on YouTube, so whilst you’re there you may wish to check them out. There’s a full tutorial on how to create a Ball Corner to Class A Surfacing, Catia V5 spec.


how to build a car

You can now watch ALL my Video Tutorials on a state of the art, purpose built website.

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For student’s who have the objective of finding a CAD job in the near future, I still teach One to One students and all of these students get Automotive Modeling or Design/Modeling jobs, so it’s a great investment to make.

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Many of my students make it to the top and succeed in becoming pro. Alias Digital Modelers. The hourly rate is very high and there are vacancies in UK. France, Germany, USA, Brazil etc.

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I show you how to build a Complete Audi A5 Sportback (ext.) . Over 50 Videos on that alone !


This pic. shows how we Fit Curves to X-Sec Data and Scan Data,

I use the Fit Crv Control in conjunction with the Info. Window to find out details about my fit crvs. e.g. if you look at the top RH corner of the screen you will see in black that the max. dev. of this curve is 0.008mm

G4 Curvature Continuity

This is G4 curvature. I have built 2 surfaces with deg. 3 crvs. to give me the least number of CV’s to wrestle with. This is a demo. and I usually have to work with say deg. 5,1. which means more Cv’s.

This example is G4, which is achieved by aligning 4 rows of Cv’s. An experienced Class “A” modeller will determine this simply by looking at the Curvature Quills.

When I built the surfs. they were not Class “A” , even though I had these nice quills on the surface boundaries. To get the Class “A” quality often we have to adjust the surface internally too

I have just show 1 internal Comb, but if I really wanted a “Perfect ” surf. I would use several

I use the x-sec tool to put a central data crv. in and then projected it onto my surfs. using Proj. Normal with tols. set to 0.001mm

I was then able to delete the x-sec data crv and put a Crvtr. Quill on the COS I had projected

NEXT I used MoveCV tool step size 0.001 to pull internal Cv’s until my Internal Comb matched the Boundary Comb

I don’t have time to tell you more at the moment, but as soon as I come up for air, I will write a post giving more info.



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