VW Fender – With Complex Radial Wheel Arch and Washout

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On the Learning Alias Pro. course I teach how to create REAL complex surfaces

that are used on today’s Series Production Cars. Surfaces are built to Class a Criteria with Catia V5 tols. My students are prepared for the surfacing challenges that the very demanding Automotive Industry will throw at them

Here the student is evaluating the surface highlights using Visual Curves

This surface set is really complex,

as the eyebrow climbs above the tangent break in the Parent surf-set. Also the feature line in the Parents must wash-out in the eyebrow transitional surfaces

Kind regards to all Alias users


graham bullock B.Ed. CNAA. Des. Tech


Learning Alias News: Big Discounts on Courses

Special Winter Discount Package

Courses in order of cost:

“Course #1”.

6 Months website access to all video tutorials, 167 Euros (228 USD equivalent Nov.2011)

“Course #2”.

Economy Private Tuition Package 100 Euros (135 USD equivalent Nov.2011) per month. You get your .wire reviewed by me every 15 days and you will receive : feedback, instruction, tips and advice from me personally. Access to all videos including my ” Private Student Training Videos”

“Course #3”.

Fast Track Full Pro. “One to One” Course with weekly reviews and coaching 250 Euros (USD. 339 approx. Nov. 2011) per month. One to One Private tuition. You will receive specific geometry and meshes and modeling from me personally where required, to help you to complete your exteriors quickly to an Industry entry level standard. This means a bigger investment, but once in an Alias modeling job you will get back what you invested many times over and be able to work anywhere in the world

For more info,

Just register on my website and I’ll send you all the details


If you are in the USA, just register and login, then go to Profile and you can pay your subscription with your US credit card. Absolutely no extra charges for currency conversion.


Graham Bullock B.Ed.(CNAA)Des.Tech.

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