Why is Alias the Best Automotive Surfacing Package?

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Nepal-appealNepal: Please Join my action to raise money for people sleeping rough in Nepal following the devastation of the Earthquake. Please donate just 10-30 GBP/ 15$ to 45 $ Why not take 2 min to do it now?
Learning Alias sponsors the Education of children in Nepal. But right now we need to raise money quickly to send to her village Khiji Chandeshwori, which is in the foot hills of Mount Everest. 7 homes in this small village 2 days walk from the nearest road, have need completely destroyed and the families are sleeping under plastic in the rain and cold. However much is collected up to 1000 GBP ,LearningAlias will double. Thank You for your kindness, graham bullock.

Why I chose a career in Alias Automotive

I had to research all the main platforms,

before throwing myself into Learning Alias. I had been employed as a clay modeller for many years and had the opportunity to get to know Digital Modellers and find out first hand what various Platforms could offer and apart from what I learned from the many Digi/Modellers I worked along side, I also did my own research, in order to determine which platform would offer the best career. I looked in depth at Rino, ICEM and Alias. My research covered all aspects, including earnings potential, number of available jobs, degree of surface quality possible + other potential, such as visualization tools etc. I soon came to realize that Alias is regarded world wide as, the best platform on the market and is used by most of the top OEM’s.
The world has been through 2 major recessions since the start of my Alias career, including the current global economic crisis and there has never been a time when I have been without work. Right at this moment, Alias modellers are in demand all over the world by companies offering top rates.
kind regards
graham bullock

Hi I’m Kevin De Smet advanced student at LearningAlais.

I want to talk a little about the advantages of Alias over Rino.

Rhinoceros is an interesting product for consumer product design on a budget, because it shares many similarities to Alias in the way that you work and all that at an affordable price. Compared to Alias Design which runs around 4000$, Rhino is approximately 1000$. The team who developed Rhinoceros knew they wanted to democratize surface modeling, just like SolidWorks did for solid modeling. Their motto was: “less profit per seat sold, just sell a whole lot more seats!” Rhino does not offer the level of quality and precision as Alias Surface or Alias Automotive, but the pricing is worlds apart between the two as well!
Are you looking to be a freelancer, or join a company? In the case of the latter, pricing is not going to be your concern. And I’d strive to learn the best, which is Alias Surface or Alias Automotive software.
NX is the only remaining competitor to CATIA, fully featured solid modeling system and with a similar price tag to boot! I think in terms of surfacing, NX has some interesting technologies you will find some videos on YouTube I believe. However, between the two I have more faith in CATIA Icem. If Dassault ever gets their act together on that one!
SolidThinking I would avoid. It shows some promise, maybe. But as it is today, it is a product that fails to deliver in my opinion.

Kind regards,

Kevin De Smet (Advanced student and resource creator at LearningAlias).


To Learn Alias Automotive to Industry Entry level has been made easier.

For student’s who have the objective of finding a CAD job in the near future, I still teach One to One students and all of these students get Automotive Modeling or Design/Modeling jobs, so it’s a great investment to make. The hourly rate is very high and there are vacancies in UK. France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, USA, Brazil etc. I can only take a maximum of 5-7 students at any one time. I teach all levels right up to Post Graduates. I have never had a Private student fail to get an Alias Automotive job (Companies include Ferrari, GM, Lotus, Opel, Audi Seat etc. ). If you wish to apply for a place, please email me with all your details.
Why not visit my website and take a look for your self?
Over 100 videos on many, many aspects of Learning Pro. Alias
I show you how to build a Complete Audi A5 Sportback (ext.) . Over 50 Videos on that alone !

Info. on Courses:

“Course #1”.

6 Months website access to all website based video tutorials, 167 GBP

“Course #2”.

167 GBP per month. You get your .wire reviewed by me every 15 days and you will receive : feedback, instruction, tips and advice from me personally. Access to all videos including my ” Private Student Training Videos”. You will build at least 3 complete automotive exteriors. The course also includes an intensive Reverse Engineering section, which required by most employers.

“#3 Full Pro. “Elite” Course”.

Fast Track Full Pro. “One to One” Course with weekly reviews and coaching 200 GBP per month. One to One Private tuition. You will receive specific geometry and meshes and modeling from me personally where required, to help you to complete your exteriors quickly to an Industry entry level standard. This means a bigger investment, but once in an Alias modeling job you will get back what you invested many times over and be able to work anywhere in the world

NB: Typically students pay 50% of the cost of the “Elite” course by monthly installments settling the balance over time,  once they have an Alias Automotive contract.

For more info,

Just register on my website and I’ll send you all the details


If you are in the USA, just register and login, then go to Profile and you can pay your subscription with your US credit card. Absolutely no extra charges for currency conversion.


Graham Bullock B.Ed.(CNAA)Des.Tech.

Go to Learning Alias

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